Valorisation de la roche phosphatée égyptienne Abu Tartur.

The potential production of rock-based fertilizer and soil …

The Abu-Tartur plateau, study area, is considered to be an important phosphate mining site that contains two thirds of the total phosphate reserve of Egypt …


In our case of using H3PO4 alone a phosphate concentrate assaying 30.1% P2O5 (at P2O5 recovery of 75.3%) and 0.75% MgO was obtained from a feed material assaying 23% P2O5 and 3.77% MgO. The ...

Report on Abu Tartur Phosphate Rock Beneficiation

Phosphate rock sources may be of igneous or sedimentary origin. Results: In Egypt, the natural phosphate rock is located in Sebaiya (Nile Valley), Safaga (Red Sea), and Abu Tartur (Western Desert). The higher the organic matter contents in soil, the better dissolution of the PR. Legumes are particularly suited for the use of PR.

Highlights on the Beneficiation Trials of the Egyptian …

Therefore, the main objective of this review is to shed some light on the locations, reserves, and the beneficiation trials of the different localities of the Egyptian phosphate ores, …

[PDF] Leaching of rare earths from Abu Tartur (Egypt) …

The leaching of rare earth elements (REEs) from Egyptian Abu Tartur phosphate rock using phosphoric acid has been examined and was subsequently …

Azotobacter vinelandii Evaluation and Optimization of …

Chemical composition of Abu Tartur phosphate ore Chemical analysis of Abu Tartur phosphate ore, Abu Tartur phosphate ore is characterized by XRD (Figure1) which shows the presence of insoluble P 2 O 5 is 24.5 % and the other element presence in this ore is Ca 39.5 %, L.O.I. 12.32 %, SiO 2 with 7%, SO 5.07%, Fe 2 O 3 with 6.6%, Al 2 O 3

Beneficiation of Abu Tartur Phosphate rock by partial

the first challenge to a successful phosphate industry is the reduction of the amount of impurities present in the phosphate rock to the least possible value. This is usually done …

PM Follows Up on Abu Tartur Project | Egypt Oil & Gas

Thursday, 27th July 2023. by Sarah Samir. Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouly held a meeting at the government headquarters in New Alamein to follow up on the developments of the phosphoric acid production project in the Abu Tartur plateau in the New Valley Governorate. The meeting was attended by Tarek El Molla, Minister of Petroleum and …

Leaching of rare earths from Abu Tartur (Egypt) phosphate …

The leaching of rare earth elements (REEs) from Egyptian Abu Tartur phosphate rock using phosphoric acid has been examined and was subsequently optimized to better understand if such an approach could be industrially feasible. Preliminary experiments were performed to properly define the design of experiments. Afterward, 24 …

Valorisation des minerais de phosphate égyptien d Abu Tartur

The Abu-Tartur phosphate deposit was found to have lower activity than many others exploited phosphate sedimentary deposits, with its average total annual dose being only 114.6 microSv y (-1).

Recovery of lanthanides from Abu Tartur phosphate rock, …

Analysis of the concentrate produced from Abu Tartur phosphate rock was found to give 96% CaO, 2.8% Ln 2 O 3, 0.6% P and 0.009% Fe. This indicates that almost complete recovery of lanthanides content in the Abu Tartur phosphate rock sample has been obtained. Also, the oxide mixture was identified by X-ray to be mainly CaO, Y 2 O …

Evaluation and Optimization of Abu Tartur Egyptian …

The objective of the present work, study all factors affecting on phosphate dissolution of Abu Tartur phosphate ore. The optimum conditions for dissolution of phosphate ore by p. chrysogenum were 0.25 g ore per 50 ml of broth PVK medium, inoculated with spore suspension 5.1x10 P P cfu/ml incubated for 4 days at 30° C, glucose and yeast were ...

Successful spectral remote sensing techniques for mapping …

Spectral remote sensing mapping methods were applied for mapping apatite mineral as a key indicator of phosphate ore outcrops at the eastern side of Abu Tartur Plateau, Western Desert, Egypt, using Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) and Landsat series imagery. Previous investigations of …

Report on Abu Tartur Phosphate Rock Beneficiation

Phosphorus deficiency affects around 80% of the acid soils of western Kenya, but fertilizer use is limited due to high prices. This paper explores the potential of local phosphate …

Beneficiation of Abu Tartur phosphate rock by leaching

Abu Tartur phosphate rock can be beneficiated by leaching it with dilute acetic acid. This is due to the fact that dilute acetic acid used in leaching has the ability to react with the …

Etudes pétrographique et minéralogique comparatives des …

Roche phosphatée de Kanzi Les affleurements des roches phosphatées de Kanzi (S 05°33'01'' ; E 014°25'41.1'') visibles se trouvent à 200m derrière l'école Primaire Tuwizana près de la ...

Effets combinés de la roche phosphatée et des …

Effets combinés de la roche phosphatée et des fertilisants chimiques sur les paramètres agronomiques du riz pluvial dans trois zones agroécologiques de la Côte D'Ivoire Wondouet Hippolyte KPAN1, Affi Jeanne BONGOUA-DEVISME1*, Brahima KONE1, Franck Michael Lemounou BAHAN2, Konan-Kan Hippolyte KOUADIO1,

Les silicifications de la série phosphatée des Ouled …

Les silicifications de la série phosphatée des Ouled Abdoun (Maastrichtien-Lutétien Maroc): Sédimentologie, Minéralogie, Géochimie et Contexte Génétique Hamid El Haddi To cite this version: Hamid El Haddi. Les silicifications de la série phosphatée des Ouled Abdoun (Maastrichtien-Lutétien

Roche phosphatée de Kanzi comme engrais à propriété …

Roche phosphatée de Kanzi La roche phosphatée utilisée provient du gisement de phosphates naturels de Kanzi, situé à 45 km à l'ouest de Boma, le long de la route Boma-Moanda (Bas-Congo) à ...

Production d'acide phosphorique par attaque chlorhydrique de …

La voie sulfurique pour la production d'acide phosphorique (destiné à l'industrie des engrais) présente de nombreux inconvénients : impossibilité de récupération de sous-produits de haute valeur commerciale tels les terres rares, existence de fortes restrictions conditionnées par les lois de protection de l'environnement, 250 millions de tonnes de …

Le Rôle des mycorhizes dans la nutrition phosphatée des …

Le Rôle des mycorhizes dans la nutrition phosphatée des arbres forestiers. D. Mousain (1), Paula Matumoto-Pintro (2), H. Quiquampoix (3) Afficher plus de détails. 1 Station de recherches sur les symbiotes des racines. 2 UEM - Universidade Estadual de Maringá [Brasil] = State University of Maringá [Brazil] = Université d'État de ...


Beneficiation Technology of Abu-Tartur Phosphate Ore: The run of mine (R.O.M.) is delivered from the underground mines to storage area where it is screened at …

Les silicifications de la série phosphatée des Ouled Abdoun

Les pays du Moyen-Orient et les régions d'Afrique du Nord sont connus par les phosphates de qualité commerciale exploitables d'âge Cénozoïque. Le Maroc est le principal producteur, il a plus de trois quarts des réserves mondiales de phosphate sédimentaire. Les phosphates marocains, d'âge fini Crétacé — Éocène inférieur, ont attiré l'attention …

Traitement De La Roche Phosphatée

Le traitement du minerai de phosphate peut être divisé en trois étapes: concassage-séparation-déshydratation du concentré. 1. Le processus de concassage du minerai comprend le concassage, le criblage, le broyage et l'amélioration.Utiliser des concasseurs et des broyeurs à boulets pour réduire la taille des particules du minerai, afin de …

Evaluation and Optimization of Abu Tartur Egyptian …

The objective of the present work, study. all factors affecting on phosphate dissolution of Abu Tartur phosphate ore. The optimum. conditi ons for dissolution of phosphate ore by p. chrysogenum ...

Removal of ferriferous dolomite by magnetic separation …

The Abu Tartur phosphate deposit is characterized by the presence of ferriferous dolomite, containing 60 to 70% of MgO, which allows the use of magnetic separation to reduce the MgO content of certain fractions. ... Les minerais de phosphate de la Turquie et les recherches faites en vue de leur valorisation.... Blazy, P., Houot, R., …

Removal of ferriferous dolomite by magnetic separation …

The Abu Tartur phosphate deposit is characterized by the presence of ferriferous dolomite, containing 60 to 70% of MgO, which allows the use of magnetic separation to reduce the MgO content of certain fractions. ... Les minerais de phosphate de la Turquie et les recherches faites en vue de leur valorisation. Seminar on beneficiation …


Abstract. introduction : Phosphate rocks are vital non-renewable resources and are essential components in agricultural fertilizers and phosphorous-based chemicals [1-4]. …

Eléments en traces et valorisation des minerais de …

L'étude structurale de la couche phosphatée, a montré que cette dernière plonge sous un pendage moyen de 8° et une direction de N 320° W. Cette couche est constituée de la superposition ...

Roche phosphatée

En effet, ces zones sont riches en phosphates solubles ou insolubles (en suspension). La quantité de PO 4 varie avec la profondeur et la température. Mécanismes de genèse. Former une roche phosphatée demande une importante concentration en phosphore, ce qui est possible en milieu biologique, comme l' eau de mer. L'apatite se forme dans les ...